Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Snow at last!

Well, as you will have guessed from the title, NYC has finally seen some snow worth talking about! We had 1.6 inches last night which brings our grand total for the season up to 2 inches - pretty pathetic when you consider that this time last year they had had well over 12 inches.

Still, beggars can't be choosers, so the camera came out this morning and I got a few shots. Hopefully there will be a better snow storm soon and I can get to Central Park for some photos!

So I have a bit going on at the moment, most of which you probably already know.


I have a trip to Niagara Falls with my friend Gayle and her mum
Finish work with the UN


Mel is coming to visit and we are planning to fly to Las Vegas for a couple of nights
We are also going to hire a car for an overnight trip to the Grand Canyon
Mid April, I have a 3.5 week trip in Peru & Bolivia with my friends Wendy and Amanda
While in Peru, I will be trekking the Inca Trail!


I return to the UK and start back at work with Thompson Taraz

Phew! I will be exhausted by the time I get back to the UK!!

Oh yeah, and then in August, my parents and my brother Phil and his wife Kylie are all coming over to visit - but that is another story for another blog! I got to survive getting back to the UK first!!

View from my window

Downstairs, outside my building


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