My Garden!
I've managed to get myself a small garden plot (allotment) on a private farm just outside of town. It's just as well really, as my little courtyard was starting to look like a jungle!
My friend Liz agreed to come out and help me the first time I went - little did she know (or I for that matter!), that the plot was in a very overgrown state!
The first photo below shows how the whole plot originally looked (left side). The area you can see that we cleared is just under half the length of the plot, and it took us the best part of 3 hrs to do!
I've now planted out some corn, tomatoes, beetroot, sprouts, potatoes. I still have some more at home, which I'll take out once they're bigger!
I'm also growing lettuces, zucchini, capsicums, broccoli, cauliflower, swede, parsnips and strawberries, most of which will end up in the plot once I can rabbit-proof it!!
Before and after shot! Left hand side was what it all looked like before 3 hrs of backbreaking hard work! Thanks very much to Liz for all her help! First dibs on the produce goes to you!
My corn and tomato plants
Tomato plants with temporary stakes.
Beetroots, sprouts and potatoes
Loved looking at your photos, as always. You must have inherited your green thumb from your father! Hope the plants all flourish.
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