After spending a relaxing week in Thailand, Jules, Whitey, Pete, Lynne & myself flew to Siem Reap, Cambodia. From there, we went to see the famous temples at Angkor Wat - the largest temple complex in the world. We got there for the dawn, and then spent a few hours going around a few of the temples in the cooler morning, before heading back to the hotel for a bit of an afternoon kip!!
We travelled by road (taxi) from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh (approx 5 hrs). Pete and I had a very scary driver - it's not a trip I'd like to repeat any time soon!! Luckily, we survived - however our New Year's Eve celebrations that evening were somewhat subdued!
We spent a couple of days in Phnom Penh - wandering around the markets etc. We had some great meals - one in particular in a restaurant run by a charity which trains former street children. We all opted not to try the local specialty of deep fried tarantula however!
The moat around Angkor Wat - 190m wide! It used to be filled with crocodiles for defense purposes!
A bridge leading up to the entrace to the Bayon temple. This side of the road depicts gods holding a long snake. The opposite side shows devils, also holding a snake
One of the entrances to the Bayon temple
One of the many faces (approx 216) of the temple. These are said to bear a strong resemblance to King Jayavarman VII, who built the temple
The Elephant Terrace - used as a platform by King Jayavarman VII for public ceremonies and victory parades
Ruins of Ta Prohm. Strangler figs have taken over a lot of the buildings
Ta Prohm
The library at Angkor Wat
View of the Mekong from our hotel in Phnom Penh
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