Its been awhile since I uploaded any photos, so here are a few from the last weeks.
Unfortunately, we have been having some really awful weather lately, so that has curtailed any weekend excursions somewhat. The river at the bottom of the garden flooded today, so that gives you a bit of an idea of the amount of rain we've been having!
The flooded river from bedroom window - compare to the normal level in the photo in my previous blog entry!
Carnivorous plants in the Shrewsbury flower show
The path down to Killarney beach - where Bono lives!!
Killarney beach
Moreton Corbet Castle - orignally an 11th century wooden manor house. It was rebuilt and extended to be an enormous Elizabethan mansion
St Bartholomew's Church - next to Moreton Corbet Castle. The Corbet family still own the castle and attend the church. Most of the graves in the cemetary are Corbet's.